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Blog / 17 May 2019

(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Christchurch Call


(Video) Rajya Sabha TV (RSTV) The Big Picture: Christchurch Call

Topic: Christchurch Call


  • Ashok Sajjanhar, (Former Ambassador)
  • Munish sharma, (Consultant, IDSA)
  • Rakshit Tandon, (Director, Council of Information Security CIS)
  • Subimal Bhattacharjee, (Cyber Defense Expert)

Topic Description:

India joined France, New Zealand, Canada and several other countries on Wednesday in launching a major initiative in Paris to combat terrorism and extremism online and secure the internet. The initiative -Christchurch call to action' -- was named after the New Zealand city where 51 people were killed in an attack on mosques. "A free, open and secure internet is a powerful tool by which to promote connectivity, enhance social inclusiveness and foster economic growth," the declaration on Christchurch call to action said. It said the internet is, however, not immune from abuse by terrorist and violent extremist actors, and there was a need for collective efforts globally to secure the internet from terror groups. The US meanwhile, declined to join the international initiative. The White House said it supported the Christchurch Call's aims but was "not in a position to join", citing the need for freedom of speech. The comments came even as five of the world's biggest tech companies pledged to tackles extremist material. On this edition of the big picture we will take a closer look at the at the Christchurch Call to Action.

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Courtesy: RSTV